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Yulianti Yulianti
Adi Atmoko
Radeni Sukma Indra Dewi


Pendidikan karakter harus diterapkan sejak usia sekolah dasar berusia 6-12 tahun, tahapan operasional konkrit dimana masa anak memperoleh dasar-dasar pengetahuan dalam menentukan keberhasilan untuk menyesuaikan diri pada kehidupan dewasa dan memperoleh keterampilan yang bervariasi untuk pertumbuhan dan perkembangan moral. Namun pada kenyataannya selama ini system pendidikan di sekolah dasar lebih menitikberatkan pada penguasaan pengetahuan, sementara aspek karakter, moral seolah-olah terlupakan. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengkaji penguatan karakter toleransi melalui metode bercerita pada anak usia sekolah dasar. Data penelitian ditelusuri dengan studi pustaka dari artikel hasil penelitian yang terpublish di database elektronik SCOPUS, SINTA, dan Google Scholar melalui pendekatan PICO (Population, Intervention, Compare, dan outcame). Hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa konstruk personal anak saat belajar melalui pembiasaan bercerita dapat menguatkan karakter toleransi seperti peduli pada sesama teman, kesadaran anak untuk mau berbagi, membaca dan menceritakan informasi yang didapatkannya kepada teman-temannya, ada yang bercerita sambil bermain, bersama teman yang berbeda agama, mau mendengarkan teman yang sedang cerita, mau ngajak cerita dengan siapapun di kelas. Penelitian ini dapat dijadikan rencana tindak lanjut pendidikan karakter di dalam sekolah untuk mengurangi angka anak putus sekolah akibat rasa cemas, takut masuk sekolah, sehingga penciptakan kondisi aman dan nyaman dapat mencegah terjadinya bullying, tindak kekerasan dan juga ujaran kebencian di lembaga SD.

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Jurnal Internasional
All, U. (1979). Author ( s ): George Armstrong Kelly Source : Nomos , 1979 , Vol . 21 , COMPROMISE IN ETHICS , LAW , AND POLITICS ( 1979 ), pp . Published by : American Society for Political and Legal Philosophy Stable URL : 21, 87–103.
Almoshawah, S. (2009). Point of view Is George Kelly’s constructs system (Loosening-Tightening) related to his perspective in Psychotherapy? The Arab Journal Of Psychiatry, 20(1), 66–77.
Aybek, E. C., Çavdar, D., & Özabacı, T. M. N. (2015). University Students’ Moral Judgment and Emotional Intelligence Level: A Model Testing. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 191, 2740–2746.
Bashiri, A. (n.d.). Personality and Cognitive Experiences according to Cognitive Approaches and Islamic Theory with an Emphasis on George Kelly and Allameh MesbahYazdi,s Views. 136.
Bautista, P., Cano-Escoriaza, J., Sánchez, E. V., Cebollero-Salinas, A., & Orejudo, S. (2022). Improving adolescent moral reasoning versus cyberbullying: An online big group experiment by means of collective intelligence. Computers and Education, 189(November 2021).
Beck, A. T. (2019). A 60-Year Evolution of Cognitive Theory and Therapy. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 14(1), 16–20.
Bhana, D., Janak, R., Pillay, D., & Ramrathan, L. (2021). Masculinity and violence: Gender, poverty and culture in a rural primary school in South Africa. International Journal of Educational Development, 87, 102509.
Brown, R., & Chiesa, M. (1990). George Kelly and repertory grids in psychotherapy research: An introduction to repertory grid theory and technique. British Journal of Psychotherapy, 6(4), 411–419.
Campbell, C. (2008). Book review: Foucault, psychology and the analytics of power by Hook, Derek. Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan, 2007. 16(December 2008), 1–16.
Cote, R. L. (1995). George Kelly: The Theory Of Personal Constructs And His Contributions to Personality Theory. 5, 26.
Dementiy, L. I., & Grogoleva, O. Y. (2016). The Structure of Responsibility of Preschool and Primary School Age Children. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 233(May), 372–376.
International Society for Theoretical Psychology. Conference (12th : 2007 : Toronto, O. ., & Teo, T. (2009). Varieties of theoretical psychology : international philosophical and practical concerns.
Jones, R. A. (2022). Thinking in opposites: The psychologies of Carl Gustav Jung and George Kelly. Theory and Psychology, 32(4), 634–650.
Karabanova, O. A., Kovaleva, G. S., Loginova, O. B., & Molchanov, S. V. (2014). Moral Orientation on Norms of Mutual Help and Responsibility in Middle Childhood. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 146, 175–180.
Karnaze, M. M. (2013). A Constructivist Approach to Defining Human Emotion: From George Kelly to Rue Cromwell. Journal of Constructivist Psychology, 26(3), 194–201.
1) Kelly, GA. (1964). The language of hypothesis: Man’s psychological instrument. Journal of Individual Psychology, 5–15.
2) Kelly, George A. (2005). A Brief Introduction to Personal Construct Theory. International Handbook of Personal Construct Psychology, 3–20.
3) Kelly, George Armstrong. (1976). Politics & Philosophy in Hegel Author ( s ): George Armstrong Kelly Published by : The University of Chicago Press on behalf of the Northeastern Political Science Association Stable URL : Politics & Philosophy in Hegel. 9(1), 3–18.
4) Marenzi, R., Zimmermann, C., & Marenzi, A. (2006). Bird Community in an Atlantic Rain Forest Fragment-Praia Vermelha, Santa Catarina, Brazil. Journal of Coastal Research, 1789–1792.
5) Martin, F., Gezer, T., & Wang, C. (2019). Educators’ Perceptions of Student Digital Citizenship Practices. Computers in the Schools, 36(4), 238–254.
6) Nasti, C., Sangiuliano Intra, F., Palmiero, M., & Brighi, A. (2023). The relationship between personality and bullying among primary school children: the mediation role of trait emotion intelligence and empathy. International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology, 23(2), 100359.
7) Press, T. M. I. T., & Academy, A. (2010). The Expert as Historical Actor Author ( s ): George A . Kelly Source : Daedalus , Vol . 92 , No . 3 , Themes in Transition ( Summer , 1963 ), pp . 529-548 Published by : The MIT Press on behalf of American Academy of Arts & Sciences Stable URL : http://ww. Transition, 92(3), 529–548.
Tekke, M., & Ismail, N. (2015). Rediscovering Rogers ’ s Self Theory and Personality. Journal of Educational, Health and Community Psychology, 4(3), 2088–3129.
Swan, K., Chen, C. C., & Bockmier-Sommers, D. K. (2020). Relationships between carl rogers’ person-centered education and the community of inquiry framework: A preliminary exploration. Online Learning Journal, 24(3), 4–18.
Tongsuebsai, K., Sujiva, S., & Lawthong, N. (2015). Development and Construct Validity of the Moral Sensitivity Scale in Thai Version. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 191, 718–722.

Jurnal SINTA

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