Author Guidelines

1. Type of Paper
Articles Contains writings on conceptual ideas, studies equipped with research results or literature, and application of theories related to education, especially in the field of primary school education. All kinds of articles have not been published in any medium.

2. Writing Format
This article is written in the form of ESSAY Indonesia with Docx file extension (Microsoft Word) and uses the following format:
- Margin: Left (3 cm); Right, Up & Buttom (2.5 cm)
- Paper Size: A4 (21 cm x 29.7 cm)
- Font: Times New Roman
- Font size: 12 pt (except for title: 14 pt, abstract and content table: 11 pt)
- Spaces: 1.15 (except for title, author identity, abstract, content table and reference: 1 space)
Write about article titles and sub-sections using the following rules:
Title 1 (UPPERCASE, left flat, bold)
Title 2 (Capitalized Every Word, flat left, bold)
sub-sections (Capitalized Every Word, left flat, bold and italic)
Image, table, and formula
- The title of the image, the table, and the formula are numbered, and the full description is typed using 12 pt, space 1. Number of pictures, tables, and formulas in bold. The table title is written above the table except the title of the image or the formula below.
- Content table in article and use 11 pt, space 1, with format only use horizontal line.
- References are written below pictures, tables, and formulas with 11 pt, consisting of name, year, and referral page.

Number of pages, including tables, charts, photos, and references up to 20 pages. The percentage of the number of pages in the method of study introduction is up to 40% of the total number of pages, and the remaining 60% for results and discussion, conclusions and reference.

3. Structure of writing
a. For research articles using the following structure:
Title (No more than 15 words); Identity author (First line: unnamed title Second line: Prodi / department / agency Third line: email address For both authors and so on in addition to the name listed on first page footnote); Abstract (Made in English or Indonesian, 150-200 words, accompanied by a maximum of five keyword keywords, fonts: Introduction (Contains background with literature review, research objectives and urgency) Methods, Results and discussion, Conclusions and References (Contains referenced references only).
b. For similar research articles (idea / ideas) using the following structure:
Title (No more than 10 words); Identity author (First line: unnamed title Second line: Prodi / department / agency Third line: email address); Abstract (Generated in English or Indonesian, 150-200 words with maximum five words); Introduction (Contains background with bibliographical and objective reviews); Discussion (The subject's discussion is tailored to your needs and can be divided into sub-sections); Conclusion; and References (Contains referenced references only.
c. For a book review article using the following structure:
Title (No more than 15 words); Identity author (first line: unnamed title Second line: Prodi / department / agency Third line: email address); Book Identity (Contains title, author, publisher, page count, ISBN, and photo / cover art); Discussion (The subject's discussion is tailored to your needs and can be divided into sub-sections); Conclusions and References.

4. References
References / libraries are libraries published in the last 10 years, sorted alphabetically and chronologically.


Shimada, S. & Becker, J.P. 1997. The Open-ended Approach: A New Proposal for Teaching Mathematics. Virginia: national Council of Teachers of Mathematics.

Book of article:

Saukah, A. & Waseso, M.G. (Eds.). 2002. Menulis Artikel untuk Jurnal Ilmiah (Edisi ke-4, cetakan ke-1). Malang: UM Press.

Articles in the book of articles:

Russel, T. 1998. An Alternative Conception: Representing Representation. Dalam P.J. Black & A. Lucas (Eds.), Children’s Informal Ideas in Science (hlm. 62-84). London: Routledge.

Articles in journals or magazines:

Talbert, J.E. & McLaughlin, M.E. 1999. Understanding Teaching in Context. Educational Leadership, 57(3), 200-214.

Articles in the newspaper:

Pitunov, B. 13 Desember 2002. Sekolah Unggulan ataukah Sekolah Pengunggulan? Majapahit Pos, hlm. 4 & 11.

Newspaper / story in newspaper (without author name):

Jawa Pos. 22 April, 1995. Wanita Kelas Bawah Lebih Mandiri, hlm. 3.

Official document:

Pusat Pembinaan dan Pengembangan Bahasa. 1978. Pedoman Penulisan Laporan Penelitian. Jakarta: Depdikbud. Undang-undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 2 tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional. 1990. Jakarta: PT Armas Duta Jaya.

Translation Books:

Ary, D., Jacobs, L.C. & Razavieh, A. 1976. Pengantar Penelitian Pendidikan. Terjemahan oleh Arief Furchan. 1982. Surabaya: Usaha Nasional.

Thesis, Dissertation, Research Report:

Rahma, S. 2009. Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Interaktif Berbasis Komputer untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Komunikasi bahasa Inggris Peserta Didik Kelas VIII Madrasah Tsanawiyah di Kabupaten Lombok barat. Tesis tidak Diterbitkan. Bandung: Fakultas Pascasarjana UPI.

Seminar papers, workshops, and upgrading:

Waseso, M.G. 2001. Isi dan Format Jurnal Ilmiah. Makalah disajikan dalam Seminar Lokakarya Penulisan Artikel dan Pengelolaan Jurnal Ilmiah, Universitas Lambungmangkurat, Banjarmasin, 9-11 Agustus.

Internet (individual works):

Hitchcock, S., Carr, L. & Hall, W. 1996. A Survey of STM Online Journals, 1990-1995: The Calm before the Storm, (Online), (, diakses 12 Juni 1996).

Internet (articles in online journals):

Kumaidi. 1998. Pengukuran Bekal Awal Belajar dan Pengembangan Tesnya. Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan. (Online), Jilid 5, No.4, (, diakses 20 Januari 2000).

Internet (discussion material):

Wilson, D. 20 November 1995. Summary of Citing Internet Sites. NETTRAIN Discussion List, (Online), (, diakses 22 November 1995).

Recommended using Reference Manager apps like Mendeley or quotes refer to the American Psychological Association (APA) model.

5. Editing
a. Articles sent to the editorial team at the email address: or Editorial Address: FKIP Universitas Wiraraja Sumenep, Jl. Sumenep - Pamekasan Km. 5 Patean Sumenep 69451.
b. Articles that have been evaluated by an editorial team or reviewer is entitled to reject or loaded by notice in writing, and if necessary, an editorial team will provide an opportunity for the author to revise them in accordance with the recommendations of the editing. For uniformity of format, the editor reserves the right to make changes to articles without changing the substance of the article.
c. All the contents of the article are the author's responsibility, and if at the time of precast found a problem in the article relating to citations or HKI, the article in question will be canceled to be loaded.
d. Authors whose scripts are published will receive a copy of the Journal as proof of loading.